Rising Star Lodge


Why join

One of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, the roots of modern Freemasonry lie with the medieval stonemasons that built our castles and cathedrals, yet it is as relevant today as it was hundreds of years ago.

Freemasons use four important guiding principles to help define their path through life:

IntegrityFriendshipRespect and Charity.

Membership is open to men from all backgrounds and the organisation’s aim is to empower members to be the best they can be – it’s about building character, supporting members as individuals and helping them make a positive contribution to society.

Freemasonry provides a structure for members to come together under these common goals, enabling people to make new friendships, develop themselves and make valuable contributions to charitable causes. We are one of the largest charitable givers in the country, contributing more than £48 million to deserving causes in 2018 and continue that fantastic work throughout 2019. If this sounds right for you, please check out our How to Join page here


PRESS RELEASE - Children at risk of exclusion from Brent’s Kingsbury High School and Barnet’s Saracens High School receive mentorship, help and support through sport

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Special Interest Lodge & Chapter News

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Coming to a temple near you? The slick, Savage side of the Holy Royal Arch

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