Rising Star Lodge



“Looking to become a Freemason? Live or Work in London?”

Welcome to The Rising Star Lodge No. 6153. We are a Taylor’s- workings Lodge, that meet at Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London, where we meet four times a year.

Looking to become a Freemason? – If you are new to Freemasonry and are looking to find out a bit more, may we suggest that you start by clicking on the link “FAQs”. This will give you a brief explanation as to what Freemasonry is about. If you are already a Freemason and are looking to join us, or simply find out more about Rising Star Lodge, why not go to the “About Us” link. We hope you will find this website informative and helpful. If, after exploring our website you want to find out more about Freemasonry in general and the Rising Star Lodge in particular, please feel free to contact our Lodge Secretary using the link on our “Contacts” tab.

What is Freemasonry?

Why join

Freemasonry is about sharing a common desire for charitable support and following a high moral code. It is a male-only society, focused on following the three core principles and improving oneself and others. Our society is open to men of any race, religion, political belief and status. Click here to find out more.

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How to join

One of the most common misconceptions about Freemasonry – and there are many of them – is that you have to be invited to join. There is absolutely no reason why you should not ask to join – in fact that is the correct procedure. Why not get in touch now? Don’t put it off any longer….. What have you got to lose?

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How will I Benefit

How you benefit as an individual will depend on many things. You will almost certainly achieve a feeling of self-worth, personal growth as a character will grow exponentially with the amount of effort you put in. The comradery enjoyed from your new friends will feel almost unreal compared with similar outside of Freemasonry

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Read about the latest updates and changes, related to our fraternity

PRESS RELEASE – Children at risk of exclusion from Brent’s Kingsbury High School and Barnet’s Saracens High School receive mentorship, help and support through sport

Children at risk of exclusion from Brent’s Kingsbury High School and Barnet’s Saracens High School receive mentorship, help and support through sport

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Coming to a temple near you? The slick, Savage side of the Holy Royal Arch

If the Holy Royal Arch’s standard ritual is a biblical blockbuster then the Savage Club version is for the Netflix generation.

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Special Interest Lodge & Chapter News

Every year in the Summer edition of Arena, we put together a current list of Special Interest Lodges and Chapters (SILCs).

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PRESS RELEASE – Children at risk of exclusion from Brent’s Kingsbury High School and Barnet’s Saracens High School receive mentorship, help and support through sport

Coming to a temple near you? The slick, Savage side of the Holy Royal Arch

Special Interest Lodge & Chapter News

Events Now On

Below you can find information, related to our latest events and activities

Belmont Ensemble Concert

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Organ Concert

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Belmont Ensemble Concert

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