Rising Star Lodge


How to join

Please don’t expect a fast process!

There are necessary processes that must take place to ensure a few things:

  • You are a suitable candidate to become a Freemason.
  • There are no circumstances within your current or past that will preclude you from joining.
  • There are no obstacles from you being accepted into our Rising Star Lodge in particular.
  • We have availability within our Masonic diary to fit in your Initiation ceremony.

There is rarely an issue in any of the 4 above, but we do need to follow process. The first and necessary action is that you make contact with us and register your interest. You can do that easily by going to our “Contact” page on this site and make contact with our Secretary.

When return contact is made, this is normally to invite you to a very informal meeting between yourself and a couple of our members. At this informal meeting you can expect a meeting in a coffee shop, maybe even a bar, where we would normally like to get an initial feel for you as a person. Remember, we are looking for genuine people with a keen desire, honest intentions, good moral standards and a willingness to be able to offer the necessary time and financial commitment to enable you to become a Freemason.

The next stage, if all goes well at the above will be to invite you to a formal meeting of our general purposes committee team (GPC). This is the first of the official processes, and all though sounding quite formal and even onerous, is just the next stage for some of our members to get to know you a little. At this meeting it will be decided (and you notified) of our intention “the Committee Members” to either recommend you (or otherwise) to be Initiated into our fraternity and indeed our Lodge to the rest of the Lodge members.

Well done if you get past this stage, you’re on your way.

The 2 final stages normally follow at our next 2 Lodge meetings; First, your application for Initiation will be read out and proposed to the Lodge that they accept your application and a vote by all of the members taken.

Remember of course that this will be on the basis that the GPC team have met you and are recommending you.
The final stage is that you will be invited to our next meeting where your Initiation into Freemasonry will be conducted.

Then, your fabulous journey can continue to wherever you want it to go.


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